OA North America has released the plan for the mission in the month of August. The administration will continue to build and strengthen the regional networks through daily assignments and weekly analysis. For the mission field, the statistics department will collect daily evangelism reports and encourage more diligent evangelism. The summer retreat will be held the second week of the month, with a mission conference scheduled that will determine the tone of mission towards the General Assembly.
In August, OA administration hopes to produce weekly reports from the regional leaders about their weekly progress on daily assignments, attendance of meetings, and mission progress. The hope is to continue to raise these leaders in their own administrative capabilities so that they will be able to further develop the regions they are managing. With these kinds of daily works, the region leaders should also manage the church leaders within their region and encourage daily works.
For the weekly evangelism reports, the statistics department is hoping to grow in the month of August and present the detailed analysis. As ministers continue to share the hours they are evangelizing and the contacts they receive, OA hopes to find a story or pattern within the data that will testify about how God is working in the mission field to lead the world of mission more.
Please pray for the development of North America mission to continue to grow through the efforts of increasing the support for missionaries and regional leader training. May God deliver a revival to the region through the coming summer retreat and mission conference.