The morning of the resurrection of April 21, 2019, the last day of the Easter retreat was bright. The last day schedule consisted of worship, praise, and Easter Sunday service. Through worship, we again meditated on the grace of the crucifixion and resurrection, and the saints were dispatched with a determination to live after Easter.
Reverend Simon Jang, a representative of the Olivet Assembly of Korea, delivered Easter Sunday service message. The main passage of the sermon was [Gal. 2:20].
Galatians 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
“The Cross of Jesus Christ, the Sure Grace of Redemption”
“What is the death of the cross? It is the death of atonement, where Jesus died for our sins. The faith we speak is to accept the love of this atonement. Through His death, we died, and His resurrection is our resurrection. There are many witnesses of history who did not spare their lives to keep this spiritual freedom and liberty and to impart the truth. We will not forget this sacrifice. ”
“The cross is love and eternal life. Eternal life is first freedom from sin. The apostle Paul desperately realized the power of sin, which could never be overcome by his own strength. Paul realizes the complete redemption through the cross and proves the perfection of its effect through the three parables of the Romans. It can only be done with the merit of the cross of Jesus Christ. By faith in this grace we are justified.”
After the sermon there was a time to watch video clip on Easter, and there was a message to those who knows the cross and resurrection of the Lord to live the life of love and obedience along the path of life that the Lord showed.
In addition, communion was held and the saints meditated and commemorated the grace of the Lord Jesus and participated in the communion.