On May 17th, in Pentecost Week, a Korean leader’s gathering was held at OAPC Immanuel Chapel.
During the opening service, Pastor Mark Shin delivered a sermon titled “It was an extremely large army,” based on Acts 2:1-4 and Ezekiel 37:1-10.
The Pentecost is a day when new history took place and the gates of heaven were opened. The Lord opened the doors of heaven so that anyone could receive the Holy Spirit.
Pastor Shin said, “When we fully understand the gospel, the amazing work of the Holy Spirit happens through us,” and that the Lord promised to give us the Holy Spirit, and according to that promise, we received the Holy Spirit.
Just as the disciples were changed in the Holy Spirit and through the power of the Holy Spirit, a new work was opened on this earth, this work of the Holy Spirit is equally open to us today. The words of Ezekiel are words of hope in dark times. When the dry bones were full and darkness came over the people, God would make them into an army. Pastor Shin said that he believes that we are this kind of spiritual army and emphasized, “An army combines all its strength to fight one enemy, and we fight the evil of the world.”
Lastly, Pastor Shin said, “How evil is this world. They say that we are in an era with the most slaves,” and added, “We are in such a spiritual battlefield. Let us not be defeated by the world, but let us move forward by overcoming it with the power of the Holy Spirit.”